Police Officer

  • Township of Cumru
  • Mohnton, Pennsylvania
  • 9 hours ago
  • Full Time

Job Summary

Employment Type
Full Time

Job Description

POLICE OFFICER TOWNSHIP OF CUMRU BERKS COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Applications are being accepted for the position of Police Officer for the Township of Cumru, Berks County, PA. Applications are available at the Cumru Township Municipal Building, 1775 Welsh Road, Mohnton, PA 19540, telephone ... or at www.cumrutownship.org. Applicants must submit an application to the Cumru Township Police Department and pay the non-refundable, $20.00 application fee by cash, check or money order, no later than Thursday, April 17, 2025, at 4:00 p.m., to be considered for further processing. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and have at least a high school diploma, at the time of application submission. In addition to successfully passing the written and oral examinations, any appointment to the position of Probationary Police Officer shall be conditioned upon the candidate successfully completing a psychological examination, polygraph or Voice Stress Analysis examination, physical fitness/agility test, background investigation, drug/alcohol screening, medical examination, successful acceptance into PA Police Officer Training Academy/Act 120 (if not already certified) and any other conditions named by the Township of Cumru and MPOETC. The starting base salary for Probationary Officers for 2025 is $77,294.71 and 1st Class Patrol Officer is $114,510.68. The physical agility testing and written examination will both be held on Saturday April 19, 2025 @ 9:00 AM at the PLEX located on the campus of Alvernia University, 465 Saint Bernadine Street Reading, PA 19607. The application packet is to be turned in at the Cumru Township office building located at 1775 Welsh Rd., Mohnton, PA 19540. Applicants should arrive no later than 15 minutes prior to the test time and photo identification will be required. No one will be permitted to enter the testing facility after the test time. Directions to the testing facility are available by calling .... The Township of Cumru is a Civil Service and Equal Opportunity Employer Jeanne E. Johnston, Cumru Township Manager
Click to apply at:
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Job ID: 469540003

Originally Posted on: 3/17/2025